What to do when your child saw you having sex?

Finding time for sex can be extremely difficult after you have kids. That is why whenever you get some time, you make sure that you take the best out of that moment. But this can be extremely difficult especially when you have the fear that your child might walk in on you at any particular moment. Kid catches parents doing it is the most common fear that people face.

What to do?

Even in the situations that you get caught having sex by your own kid, you need not panic and handle the situation properly without acting weird or awkward. There are a few things mentioned in this article that you can do if your child finds out you and your partner in the questionable state.

Even if your child walks in, they do not know in most of the situations that what is it that is going on in front of them. For them, it is just seeing their parents naked just shoving and pushing their bodies against each other and making some kind of weird noises. They actually cannot understand what is going on until they come off right age.

Kid catches parents doing it

First of all what you need to do is stop the act when your child walks in on you having sex. This surely is something like a reflex action, but even if you do think of it. It is the first step you need to begin with. If your child is not that habitual to see you naked, you need to cover yourselves with any bedding immediately or should wear the clothes immediately without any delay.

Explaining time

No matter if your child caught you in the middle of the day or night there is some kind of explanation that needs to be done. Be brave and make sure to clear your kid’s doubt so that they are not left scared. You can try starting the conversation by making any kind of reference and see what kind of response you will get from the kid. If they are able to take the hint and remember walking in on you, you need to ask for their opinion about what they think was happening in there.

This is the easiest method which will help you find out what is going on your kid’s mind and how much they know about sex and all related aspects. This is important to be done before beginning with any kind of explanations for them.

You need to explain to them that there is nothing wrong with what they saw and tell them that it is absolutely normal and you people had private time. Make sure to explain Things to children of different age groups accordingly. If you have not begun, explain the kids about sex. This surely is the right time to begin. You can explain it to them with the help of some pictures book that is available in the market or on a number of online platforms.

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